The Books
In 2007, the first Skulduggery Pleasant was released, and it changed the world.
Let’s not dwell on the “how?” or the “what do you mean?” or the “surely you’re exaggerating?”, and let’s instead focus on what this has meant for YOU.
It has meant that for the past two decades you have been treated to a book series that has a foot in adventure, a foot in horror, a foot in comedy, in crime, in fantasy, and in science-fiction… A many-footed thing, basically, striding through genres towards its own inescapable destiny.
And whose foot IS it, you ask? Whose foot is so lovingly adorned in only the highest quality, artisan footwear?
It is the skeleton detective himself, and he’s accompanied by the fast-talking, ridiculously-confident Valkyrie Cain, who used to be a normal teenage girl — like you! — but has grown into a 6 foot tall Amazonian powerhouse of magic — also like you!
Join them as they face down monsters, murderers, and mayhem, as they use sarcasm as both an offensive and defensive tool (though usually coming across as purely offensive), and as they fight to save a world that scarcely deserves it from evil beyond comprehension…
And as they do it all in style..
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